Getjetcylon Linux Operating System

  • Dedicated operating system based on the linux kernel for mobil devices. Google bought Android Inc. From Andy Rubin in July 2005 to bring the free, open source mobile platform to the next level. Many smartphone ventors offer their own devices with a custom Android operating system. Since first release in October 2008 it became fast the leading.
  • Ubuntu comes with everything you need to run your organisation, school, home or enterprise. All the essential applications, like an office suite, browsers, email and media apps come pre-installed and thousands more games and applications are available in the Ubuntu Software Centre.
  • A Distro is a specific GNU/Linux operating system vendor package. Additionally, a distro can also be a set of open source components and software assembled together. In the Linux user community, there is a raging debate as to choose between which distro for Linux is the best. The arguments are biased between which distro is the best for first.

This unique interface may attract some new users to try. But it may also scare away other new users.

It's imaginable that a light computer user asks questions like 'where's the start button and C drive' and 'why there's nothing on the desktop?'

Unity Operating System (also known as Unified Operating System or UOS, Chinese: 统一操作系统) is a Chinese Linux distribution developed by UnionTech (Chinese: 统信软件) based on Deepin and commissioned by the People's Republic of China to replace foreign operating systems like.

Getjetcylon Linux Operating System Software

Linux desktop is not a popular style as most people prefer Windows and iOS for their PCs. Learning a new style of using PC is not an ideal way to persuade people to use UOS.

But the UOS does have some advantages.

The new interface looks neat and that's a good start, because most Chinese Linux distributions focus on providing rich features instead of a beautiful appearance.

And the software is rich. In addition to the innumerable Linux open-source software, the Deepin team also made their own text editor, video/audio player, terminal, voice recorder and more. Though many features are almost identical to similar apps, Deepin believes their version is more user-friendly and they are willing to customize the software based on users' feedback.

Deepin has been updating itself for one and a half decade and the latest major update, the V20, will come around 2020.

BeagleBone's default operating system is Angstrom. There is a separate page here: BeagleBoardAngstrom.

This page provides basic information on Angstrom and other operating systems commonly used on BeagleBone and BeagleBone Black. This information may help in making a preliminary choice, but full details should be obtained from the home sites.

  • 1Linux based
  • 2Other / non-Linux

Linux based

In alphabetical order.

Updated 5-2020


See BeagleBoneAndroid.

Angstrom (Retired)

  • Home site:
  • Mailing lists: angstrom-distro-devel and angstrom-distro-users
  • IRC channel: irc://

Ångström was started by a small group of people who worked on the OpenEmbedded, OpenZaurus and OpenSimpad projects to unify their effort to make a stable and user-friendly distribution for embedded devices like handhelds, set top boxes and network-attached storage devices.Ångström can scale down to devices with only 4MB of flash storage.

The Angstrom community does not provide a forum, intentionally.

Angstrom uses Busybox for many key utilities, which has both pros and cons. Advantages include requiring less storage space and a smaller memory footprint for many common utilities, which also improves system startup time and performance. The main disadvantages stem from those utilities not mirroring exactly their full-size counterparts. These differences can be annoying if one is used to standard behavior, and may also break shell scripts that rely on portable functionality.

Angstrom uses connman for network connection management, but no documentation is available for this currently. Also, man(1) and man pages are not provided by default, nor debugging utilities like strace(1) and tcpdump(1). Getting started may therefore present difficulties, depending on experience.


  • See BeagleBoardDebian.
  • Home site:
  • Mailing list:
  • IRC channel: Beaglebone official KiWi IRC channel

The ARM EABI port is the default port of the standard Debian distribution of Linux for the ARM architecture ('armel').EABI ('Embedded ABI') is actually a family of ABIs, and one of the 'subABIs' is the GNU EABI for Linux which is used for this port.Starting with Debian 7.0 (Wheezy) there is a port targeted at newer (armv7 with fpu) hardware with another ABI ('armhf').

The Debian Project is strongly committed to software freedom, and has a long pedigree and a good reputation.


  • See BeagleBoardFedora.
  • Home site:
  • Mailing list:
  • IRC channel: irc://

The Fedora Project is sponsored by Red Hat, which invests in its infrastructure and resources to encourage collaboration and incubate innovative new technologies. Some of these technologies may later be integrated into Red Hat products. They are developed in Fedora and produced under a free and open source license from inception, so other free software communities and projects are free to study, adopt, and modify them.

Red Hat has been a major player since the earliest days of Linux distributions, and has earned a good reputation for solidity which continues in Fedora. The Fedora ARM initiative is very active (see mailing list).


  • Home site:
  • Source repository:
  • IRC channel: irc://

Arch Linux for BeagleBone is a version of the Arch Linux ARM distribution. This carries forward the Arch Linux philosophy of simplicity and user-centrism, targeting and accommodating competent Linux users by giving them complete control and responsibility over the system. Instructions are provided to assist in navigating the nuances of installation on the varied ARM platforms; however, the system itself will offer little assistance to the user.

The entire distribution is on a rolling-release cycle that can be updated daily through small packages instead of huge updates on a defined release schedule. Most packages are unmodified from the code which upstream developers release.


  • Home site:
  • Buildroot project site:

Buildroot is a set of Makefiles and patches that makes it easy to generate a complete embedded Linux system. Buildroot can generate any or all of a cross-compilation toolchain, a root filesystem, a kernel image and a bootloader image. Buildroot is useful mainly for people working with small or embedded systems, using various CPU architectures (x86, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, etc.) : it automates the building process of your embedded system and eases the cross-compilation process.

The resulting root filesystem is mounted read-only, but other filesystems can be mounted read/write for persistence. Although user accounts can be created, in practice almost everything is done as root. Buildroot uses no package manager. Instead, package selection is managed through make menuconfig.

Gentoo (Retired)

  • Home site:
  • IRC channel: irc://

Gentoo is a source-based meta-distribution of Linux. Instead of distributing a standard system image built with predefined options, Gentoo gives each user the means to create their own customized system that doesn't contain unused bloat and with minimum dependencies. Upgrades are incremental and under user control, so a Gentoo system is normally always up-to-date and wholesale upgrades are avoided.

Being a source-based system, the downside of Gentoo for low-power ARM systems is very long install times for large applications. Cross-compilation on x86 machines and distcc can overcome this problem, but they add complexity.

Nerves Erlang/OTP

  • Home site:
  • Source repository:
  • Erlang project site:

Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft realtime systems with high availability requirements (5-9’s). Some of its uses are in telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging. Erlang’s runtime system has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance.

OTP is a set of Erlang libraries and design principles providing middle-ware to develop these systems. It includes its own distributed database, applications to interface towards other languages, debugging and release handling tools.

The Nerves project provides an embedded Linux-based environment for running Erlang and an easy-to-use API to access common I/O interfaces, based on Buildroot (see above). If you are interested in running an Erlang node on a low power ARM-based board such as BeagleBone, this project can get you started.


Getjetcylon Linux Operating System
  • Home site: Guide to the BeagleBone
  • IRC channel: irc://

Sabayon Linux uses the mechanisms of Gentoo to create a pre-configured Linux distribution that can be installed as rapidly as a normal binary distribution, but still retains the benefits of Gentoo's source-based package management. Sabayon on Intel/AMD also provides the Entropy binary package management system, which could in principle greatly ease installation of packages on resource-constrained embedded Linux devices, but this is not yet available for ARM.

Although it is still early days for Sabayon on ARM (and hence on BeagleBone), there is regular progress reported on lxnay's blog, and contributions from the community would probably accelerate the work.


  • See

The vision for Ubuntu is part social and part economic: free software, available free of charge to everybody on the same terms, and funded through a portfolio of services provided by Canonical.

The first version of Ubuntu was based on the GNOME desktop, but has since added a KDE edition, Kubuntu, and a server edition. All of the editions of Ubuntu share common infrastructure and software. In recent years, special emphasis has been placed on netbooks for lightweight, connected, mobile computing, and on the cloud as a new architecture for data centres.


  • See BeagleBoneBlackYocto
  • Home site:
  • Mailing list:
  • IRC channel: irc://

Other / non-Linux

Yes, even though this is the site. :-)


Getjetcylon Linux Operating System Ubuntu

  • Home site:
  • IRC channel: irc://

MINIX 3 is a POSIX compliant, micro-kernel based, operating system with a unique set of reliability features. The MINIX 3 team considers the BeagleBone Black as it's current main target for ARM. There are no binaries available but building from scratch is very easy and fast!

Getjetcylon Linux Operating System Command

Windows Embedded Compact 7

  • Home site:
  • Source repository:

Windows CE 6.0

  • Home site :
  • Email :

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 BSP Features For BealgeBone & BealgeBoneBlack with CAPES

Getjetcylon Linux Operating System Linux

Windows Embedded Compact 2013

  • Home site :
  • Introduction:
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