My Pivot Art   The Pivot Corner!

I have recently taken a pivot turn in my life. One that has taken me off the path that I had been on for so long and turned me toward a direction that feels just right for me. I’ve certainly taken different routes throughout my life, but none of those moves were guided by such a loud voice in my heart yelling at me to PIVOT (full on Ross couch pivot moment people)! It was so loud and was not something I could ignore, and I was ready.

Financial Statements from a Pivot Table Duncan Williamson January 2011 Page 8 of 8 Homework Combine the two sets of data and prepare one Pivot Table to prepare a combined Income Statement and Balance Sheet. Conclusions Preparing almost any statement by combining the power of a classified list and a Pivot Table is such an easy and smart thing to do. Shop for Pivot Direct Wall Art Fan Shop at The Pivot Center for Art, Dance and Expression, a project Foran has worked on for five years, is inching toward completion. What was once a warehouse for an awning and sail-making company will.

  1. A reverse pivot would have the player pivoting, or stepping backwards (drop-stepping) in a clockwise motion. Just the opposite would be the case if the right foot were the pivot foot. Which foot should be my pivot foot? Well, it could be either depending on the game situation. Outside, perimeter players most often will use their non-dominant.
  2. 'The art of the pivot is all about changing course in pursuit of the same original business goal,' Reinhart told BusinessNewsDaily. 'Pivots aren't about moving from one business model to the next.

Though the pivot turn happened recently, it’s been in the making over the past 6 years. The experiences over the past 6 years served as the catalyst to the cracking open and healing changes that have brought me to this new path.

Here’s the breakdown…

6 years ago, my baby died inside of me.

o So, I shut down joy, put up a wall & went inside myself to hide.

5 years ago, I got pregnant with my Rainbow Baby and instead of being excited, I became consumed with anxiety & worry.

o So, I started painting and slowly came out of myself.

My Pivot Art   The Pivot Corner!

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4 years ago, my littlest light came in the world and reminded me how to smile.

o So, I decided to reclaim my joy and let his light shine over me.

4 years ago, I held my beloved Gramps feet as he took his last breath.

o So, to help his legacy live on, I took on his bravery & perseverance.

3 years ago, my dear soul friend Colleen passed away. I felt the sorrow deep in my bones and couldn’t contain the pain.

o So, I split right down the middle and cracked wide open.

2 years ago, we discovered answers about the swirl of questions, confusion and heartbreak around my oldest son.

Microsoft idm free downloadcapeselfie. o So, I lifted the weight of unknowing off my shoulders, the veil off him and stepped into motherhood in a new, empowered way.

2 year ago, my work imploded, and everything changed.

o So, I decided to shift my focus and trust the universe.

Last year I had the gift of time and mindset to slow down & start living intentionally. Intentional with my actions, my relationships and with my work.

o So, I started to share my art, began implementing daily mindfulness practices, strengthened my relationships, met my biological father, went on incredible life-changing trips, stepped away from corporate life and pivot turned right into heart-centered independent business ownership.

These experiences have been full of so many emotions and some have been extremely difficult, but the lessons there have changed the shape of me for the better. Instead of blame, fear, stress, self-doubt, guilt, insecurity and shame, I focused on love. Focused on healing, self-awareness, spiritual growth and universal alignment. Focused on energetically shifting myself, my home and my environment. I’ve consciously moved into vulnerability and acceptance, seeing the lessons and tackling them. I’ve learned what it means to be a witness and have worked on paying attention to my intuition. I’ve focused on my empathy and ability to connect with others. I accepted that some connections weren’t going to come along with me on the journey.

So many incredibly lovely people and awesome resources have come my way throughout these experiences. Now I want to help others with the lessons I have learned and the tools that got me through. This year, I plan to follow this new path wherever it leads me and pay it forward along the way. I want to inspire, uplift, encourage and empower others. I want to be of service to and collaborate with those who bring joy, connection, healing, creativity and growth to others. I want to help those people expand and reach as many people as possible.

I plan to write about all these experiences and more.

I plan to paint as much as possible.

My Pivot Art    The Pivot Corner Stool

I plan to do work that aligns with this path.

I believe that it’s in the sharing of our experiences, creativity, gifts and resources that we truly connect with each other and grow.

My Pivot Art    The Pivot Corner Table

So, join me on this new path, won’t you? Come along for the ride. Follow me here and on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. Reach out and work with me. Be brave, make comments and share your story. I promise I will do all I can to inspire, uplift, encourage and empower you along the way.

We’re going to make some incredible changes this year. Can you feel it?

PIVOT with me. PIVOT!