Tmntleo's Legacy

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Leo's Legacy KerryAnne. Chapter 5: Inner turmoil Summary: Raphael's reaction to the diagnosis. Notes: (See the end of the chapter for notes.) Chapter Text.

Anonymous said:
Can I give you the prompt of a rottmnt Leo with a SO/crush that has a pet red eared slider?

A/N: hm. so um. i choppped this baby down for simplicity’s sake. sorry for the gap i was gone, been busy and i’m waiting for inspiration to hit. anyway, here’s this

Gogh was your red eared slider.

A real cute little guy. He got dumped at the shelter you work at and well, you have no impulse control so off you went, adopting him. You told the guys about your new companion and they sent you a long list of names to choose from. You had two in mind that were your favorites, but you settled on Van Gogh.

Leo was over to check Gogh out for himself and he sat across from you on your bedroom floor. You watched as he played with the smaller, less anthropomorphic slider, fully engrossed.

“What’s the matter?” Leo asks when he finally notices you staring. Gogh’s wrinkly neck turned your way too.

“Nothing.” you lean your chin on a hand and smile at your friend, “You’re just kind of adorable sometimes Lee.”

He’s never been that green before.

Your brows twitch and you lift your head from your hand, “You okay there, Leo?”

He quickly looks back down at Gogh, poking the other turtle’s snout to make him slowly snap at the air. He speaks in a rushed breath.

Leo Tmnt


He just hopes you can’t hear how loud his heart’s beating and just thank god he doesn’t have a stink for every feeling like Raph.

You shrug and recline back onto the rug.

“If you say so.”

Leo’s tempted to say something dancing on the tip of his tongue but…

“So, we’re still on for Halloween right? Mikey wanted to know; he’s pretty amped for our whole group coordinated costume thing.” he brings up, heavily swerving what he probably should have said.

He’ll just- he’ll say it next time.

He pets Gogh’s shaky, striped head as you answer, bouncing up to sit again with excitement about one of your favorite holidays that you’d get to spend with the turtles.

Leo’s heart calms down.

Yeah. Next time.

Leader’s Blunder Pt. 2 -Leo


Leo 2014/16

+ It doesn’t take long for Y/N to realize that maybe she hadoverreacted a little bit. Especially when the guys come to tell April, Casey, andY/N that Leo is missing. He didn’t go home after their fight. Y/N has an ideawhere he is and goes alone. Once she finds him, they reconcile after she scaresthe both of them.



I was woken up by the smell of bacon and another sweet smell accompanyingit. I groaned and sat up. My eyes were sore and I reached to feel that theywere warm and puffy. The events of last night came rushing back. I bit my lipand got up.

“That could have gotten better.” I said to no one. I trudged into theliving room and looked into the kitchen. April and Casey were in there cooking something.“Morning.”

“Morning, pipsqueak.” Casey called smilingat me. I nodded. He set a plate in front of me as I sat down. I ate slowly. “I’msorry kid. You guys were great together.”

“I feel like I overreacted.” I pushedfood around the plate. “I think was over thinking. He has responsibilities and Ihave to respect that.”

“Yes that’s true but you are also right.He has a responsibilities to as well in this relationship, not just to thecity. He is allowed to have a life outside of being a hero, Y/N.” April lookedat me.

“You’re both in the wrong and both in theright.”

“Yeah I guess you’re…”

“Please tell us Leo is here!” Raph,Mikey, and Donnie burst through one of the open windows. I screamed and felloff the stool. I looked at them annoyed.

“No he isn’t guys.” Casey told them. He camearound and helped me up.

“Shit.” Raph Looked at his brothersworried.

“What’s wrong?” April asked.

“He didn’t come home.” Donnie told us. “Notafter he left to talk to you Y/N. Did it not go well? What happened?”

“Did you guys break up?” Mikey asked, interruptedDonnie.

“I’m not sure entirely. I mentionedsomething about us not working and left him on the roof.” I told them. I sawMikey bite his lip while Donnie and Raph shared a look. “But I don’t know. I don’twhat us to be over but I don’t want to be let down again.”

“I don’t think he will either. But weneed to find him. It’s not like him to not come home, even when he’s upset.That’s more my thing.” Raph said. “So this must have really affected him.”

“It is really worrying us that he is outthere with no word about his whereabouts and being in the mind he’s in…” Izoned out, thinking about Leo. The look on his face when I left last night wasstuck in head. He looked utterly broken. I know mine probably matched. Justfrom that look, I knew I had finally gotten through even if I only realized itjust now.

“Does anyone have an idea where he couldbe?” Mikey asked. I shook my head and looked at everyone.

“I think I have an idea.” I said. Theyall looked at me. “There is a place he told me about. A place he went to getaway from everything.”

Leo Tmnt 2012

“Where? We need to make sure he’s alright.”Donnie asked. I smiled.

“I think I need to go on my own. It’s myfault Leo took off and I need to be the one to talk to him. We need to talkagain anyway.” I ran into my room and got dressed before brushing my hair andteeth. I got my shoes on and ran back into the living room. “Plus I don’t thinkLeo would appreciate his secret spot being not so secret.”

“Alright. But please let us know he’salright.” I nodded at my sister. I looked at the guy.

“Please don’t follow me.” I said beforegrabbing my jacket and running out the door. I ran down the streets, ignoringthe rain that still poured down. “Fitting.”

It took about 20 minutes of running andwalking to get to the spot. I was breathing heavy as I snuck into the abandonedbuilding. I was careful as I made way through the old pieces of furniture and buildingmaterials. I found stairs and slowly walked up.

“Leo!” I called out and listened. I heardno answer. I sighed and continued up. I looked around and saw nothing at first.I finally saw something glimmer in the low light. Something was to shiny forthis place. I started that way. “Leo? Are you here?”

“Ackk!” I jumped as a bat flew at myhead. I flinched back and I felt the floor giveway.

“Ahh!” I screamed as I fell. I closed myeyes and tenses, expecting to hit the ground only to feel a hand wrap around mywrist. I looked up and saw Leo standing there, holding me tightly. He pulled meup and into his arms. Moving away from the hole quickly, I could feel a slightshake in his muscles.

“I nearly didn’t hear you calling. If I hadn’t…”He set me down and backed off. I watched him and noticed he wouldn’t look atme. “What are you doing here?”

“Looking for you Leo. Everyone isworried.” I looked away from him an observed the surroundings. I saw hiskatanas, blankets, pillows, and a few books. “Have you been this whole time?” Iasked.

“Yeah. I couldn’t go home. It didn’t feelright.” He told me. I looked at him and saw him fidget. He was acting so out ofcharacter for him. I knew what was throwing him off.

“Leo.” I stepped closer to me. “Pleaselook at me.”

“I can’t Y/N.” He said before turningaway. He walked towards a window. “I hurt you and I neglected you too. I am aterrible boyfriend!” He yelled.


“I don’t know why you put up with it forthat long. I mean I did more times than either of us count. I am sure of that.”


“Leo.” I got louder.


“And not only that, but you just nearlyfell to your death looking for me, my god!”

“Leo!!” I yelled, grabbing his mask andyanking back. Somehow, I threw him off balance and he fell back. He twisted andcaught himself on his knees. He looked up at me surprised. “I know all thathappened. I was there. But you want to know something else? You just saved melike you always do. You may have neglected a few dates but you are still thebest boyfriends I’ve ever had. And, in reality, I should have reached out moreas well. This is not all your fault. It’s mine too.”

“Y/N…” I set my hands on his cheeks andrubbed a thumb just under his mask. I gulped and took a breath. “I am sorry foreverything I said. I should have handled it differently.”

“I should have reacted better as well.”He settled on his knees and leant into one of my hands. “I should have been abetter boyfriend or at least better at my duties as a boyfriend.” He looked upat me with watery eyes.

“I guess we both need improvement.” Ichuckled. He finally cracked a smile and chuckled as well. He snaked his armsaround my middle and buried his head in my stomach. I wrapped mine around his head.


“I’m sorry. I promise I will be better.”He mumbled. I twirled his mask tails and rubbed the back of his head.

“I promise too.” I said. He leant back alittle and looked up at me. He smirked for a second. “What?” He tightened hisarms and stood up. “Leo!” I squeaked as he darted toward the nest of blanketsand pillows. He plopped me down and hovered above me.

“I love you so much.” He brushed hairfrom my face. He kissed my nose making me giggle,

“I love you too, Leo.” I beamed andpulled him down into a full kiss. I felt him place his arm next to my head andkiss me more passionately. We pulled away after a few minutes and gazed at eachother.


“I’m not ready to go back yet.” He said.I nodded my head in agreement. He moved and adjusted us so I was laying againsthim. I pulled out my phone and texted Raph.

*Leois fine. We’re fine. We will see you guys a little later.*

*Thankgod. Took you long enough to get a hold of us. You’re sure you are alright?”

*Yeahwe’re okay. We just want to spend some time together and work things out.*

*OhI got you! ;) Use protection you two. I don’t want any little Fearless’s runningaround.*


I groaned, throwing my phone behind meand buried my face in Leo’s neck. I felt him chuckle and set his arm around myback. He started to rub circles on my lower back.


“Just your hot head brother.” I mumbled.

“What did he do know?” he chuckled.

“He is being a perverted asshole.”

“Oh, let me guess. He said something aboutusing protection?” I nodded. He laughed out loud. I looked up at him and saw hehad his hand over his eyes as he laughed. I smiled, admiring him. “Well. Ithink he had the right idea.” He looked down at me with a dangerous glint inhis eyes.

“Leo…” He smirked and moved over meagain. I gulped and bit my lip as he did.

“Let’s have some fun, Toots.” He rested a handon my hip and nearly pressed himself flush against me. “What do you think?” Ibit my lip and nodded. He quickly attached his lips to mine, hungrily kissingme in bliss.