17 The Middle Pathdialectical Behavioral Training

  1. 17 The Middle Pathdialectical Behavioral Training Techniques
  2. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Workbook Pdf

For 20 years, Middle Management Academy (MMA) has been the gold standard in leadership training. We’ve helped the best and brightest reach their maximum leadership potential through hands-on, in-person learning.

Now, you can get platinum standard leadership training without leaving your home or office – the best of MMA fully reimagined for an engaging virtual learning experience. The new MMA training will retain its best practice curricula PLUS new and innovative content to ensure the virtual experience has the same affirming, energizing and community impact.

The Adolescent Psychiatry Inpatient unit at Denver Health is a 21-bed unit for children and adolescents, ages 8-17 years, with significant emotional and behavioral health issues. Outpatient The Adolescent and Child Outpatient program at Denver Health helps children between the ages of 2-17 years on a wide variety of behavioral and emotional. This 2-day, 6-hour training is intended to partially fulfill the initial 24 hours of training requirements for Certified Clinical Supervisor (CCS) (se. Details/Register 4.20.

17 The Middle Pathdialectical Behavioral Training Techniques

Behavioral Health Training for Community Health Workers. For more than 60 years, community health workers have demonstrated promise in improving health behaviors and outcomes, particularly for racial and ethnic minority communities and others who have traditionally lacked access to adequate healthcare.

The updated curriculum and revised format ensures participants are engaged in an interactive virtual environment, while staying true to MMA’s original learning objectives:

17 The Middle Pathdialectical Behavioral TrainingThe
  • Learn, explore and apply qualities of great supervision and management to improve employee engagement and successful performance.
  • Build management confidence through self and group reflection, discussion and learning.
  • Improve management competence through exercises and reflection.
  • Engage with others for team building and/or peer affirmation and support.

Virtual MMA attendees will meet for 5-hour live sessions once a week for four weeks. To enrich the live experience, training will include weekly assignments, individual and group work and community building activities.

Now, you can apply the motivational and communication skills that have already helped hundreds of rising stars improve productivity, shape organizational excellence and fulfill their potential as influential front-line leaders – virtually.

Download the MMA course description to learn more.


Register Today!

MMA Summer Series

The MMA Summer Series is free and designed to provide quick tools and resources for managers, supervisors and team leaders on how to effectively lead during a public health crisis. The series will have three topic areas: Day-to-Day Supervision; Stress, Chaos, Self-care and Wellness; and Strengths-based Leadership.

Within each topic area, there will be between one and three parts that include videos, slide decks and resources that provide guidance. There will also be a live session with our MMA trainers, Jeanne Supin and Josh Reese, that includes discussion, reflection and real-life examples to supplement what is learned through the resources provided. You can sign up for all or pick and choose the sessions that interest you most. Register below.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Workbook Pdf

Topic Areas

Day-to-Day Supervision

  • Part 1: How to be a Great Supervisor
    • Pre-event resources
      • Video: Being a Great Supervisor
  • Part 2: Strategies for Supervision
    • Pre-meeting resources
      • Videos: Feedback, Empathy

Stress, Chaos, Self-Care, and Wellness

  • Part 1: Six Pillars of Self-Care, Wellness and Vitality
    • Pre-meeting resources
      • Video: Self-Care and Wellness

Strengths-Based Leadership

  • Part 1: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator – Appreciating Your Strengths and Working Well with Others
    • Pre-meeting resources
      • Videos: Myers-Briggs Intro, Judgers and Perceivers, Intuitives and Sensors, Introvert and Extrovert, Thinkers and Feelers

Can’t attend an upcoming training? Contact us to find out how you can bring this training to your agency.

This program is approved by the National Association of Social Workers #886760166-3149.