Books Of The Genesis Chroniclerejected Scriptures

  1. Books Of The Genesis Chronicle Rejected Scriptures King James Version
  2. Books Of The Genesis Chronicle Rejected Scriptures John Hagee
  3. The Bible Genesis

This is a literal translation of the Bible in English. This translation differs significantly from most common English translations in that it has restored the original book order of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Tanakh, and restored the Name of the Most High, (יהוה) throughout.

In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, 1:2 the earth was a formless void. The authors of Opening the Scriptures show throughout that Holy Scripture is from A to Z the Book of God's covenant with his people. Hd mp4 videos songs download download hd mp4 videos songs mp3. In this volume, readers are provided with an introduction to the book of Genesis, the first book of the Law of Moses or Torah, which is chiefly intended to give instruction about the series of covenants God made. The Book of Genesis, the first book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament, is an account of the creation of the world, the early history of humanity, Israel's ancestors, and the origins of the Jewish people. Its Hebrew name is the same as its first word, Bereshit ('In the beginning').

What's new in the 2009 edition?

  • Improvements to the text - seeking a yet closer equivalent to the literal meaning of the original language.
  • Quotations / Allusions from the Tanakh (O.T.) are in bold type in the Second Writings (N.T.), and are accompanied by the text references - aiding your understanding of the original contexts, and how they influence the writers drawing upon them.
  • Hebrew names of Book Titles are now on right hand pages with corresponding traditional English names on the left hand pages - making it easier for you to find the place, and easier to learn the Hebrew titles. (Hebrew names are also used where possible for annual festival days, as well as being used, minimally, for ambiguous words).
  • Removal of doctrinal comments from footnotes, explanatory notes etc., (including deletion of prophecy hairlines) in favour of more useful notes - thus clearing away obstacles to your unbiased study of Scripture.
  • Maps, Timelines, Illustrations have been added.

Download The Scriptures Preface

Unique Features of The Scriptures

The Scriptures is a literal translation of the Tanakh and the Messianic Scriptures.

The Divine Name

The divine Name (the tetragrammaton), יהוה, appears in Hebrew characters throughout the translation in the Tanakh (Torah, Nevi'im, Kethuvim) and also in the Messianic Scriptures. The name by which the Messiah was known, Y'hoshua / Yeshua, is restored in Hebrew as well and appears in the text as such, יהושׁע.

Order of Books

The books in the Tanakh are arranged according to the original order of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings.

Personal Names

The original Hebrew personal names of people and places are restored throughout the Scriptures, such as 'Yirmeyahu' for Jeremiah, 'Yeshayahu', for Isaiah and 'Mosheh' for Moses and in the Messianic Scriptures, 'Mattithyahu' for Matthew etc.

Book Names

The Names of all the books in the Tanakh are restored to the original Hebrew, including the books of the Torah: Bereshith (Genesis), Shemoth (Exodus), Wayiqra (Leviticus), etc, also the books of, Tehillim (Psalms), and Mishle (Proverbs) etc.

Other features

  • Words and names, as far as possible, have been corrected in order to eliminate any names of idolatrous origin.
  • Difficult phrases in the Scriptures are explained in footnotes and the explanatory word list.
  • The traditional rendering of the word 'Law' has been restored with 'Torah' throughout the translation, retaining the richness and full meaning of this word in the Hebrew language.

Books Of The Genesis Chronicle Rejected Scriptures King James Version

The Scriptures : Editions

The Scriptures translation is available in Regular size (with wider margins), Large Print (wide margin) & Pocket size, in the following editions:

Pocket Size:

  • Size: 5.5 x 4.7 inches [140 x 120 x 28mm], Cover and Binding: 100% Cow-hide Leather, Rounded corners; Head & tail bands. Color: Black

Regular Size:

  • Soft Cover -- Size: 6.3 x 8.3 inches [160 x 210mm], Cover and Binding: Skivertex, Perfect Bound with Rounded Corners. Color: Blue
  • Hard Cover -- Size: 6.3 x 8.3 inches [160 x 210mm], Cover and Binding: SVEPA PU Hard Cover, Designer Slip Case, Smyth Sewn, 3 Head & Tail Bands, Silver edging. Color: Blue
  • Leather -- Size: 6.3 x 8.3 inches [160 x 210mm], Cover and Binding: 100% Cow-hide Leather, Gold edging, Rounded corners; Thumb indexing; Head & tail bands with three satin book ribbons. Color: Black
  • Special Soft Covers --Size: 6.5 x 8.65 inches [165 x 220mm], Cover and Binding: Soft SVEPA PU Flexi-Cover (Duotone Tan or Duotone Purple); Special case with transparent window. Silver edging with matching satin ribbons, Head & tail bands.

Large Print:

  • Leather -- Size: 8.3 x 11.7 inches [210 x 297mm], Cover and Binding: 100% Cow-hide Leather, Gold edging, Rounded corners; Thumb indexing; Head & tail bands with three satin book ribbons. Color: Black
  • Hard Cover--Size: 8.3 x 11.7 inches [210 x 297mm], Cover and Binding: Hardcover, Kosher Bonded Leather, Head & tail bands, satin book ribbon, Color: Dark Blue
  • Special Soft Cover--Size: 8.27x11 inches [210 x 280mm], Cover and Binding: SVEPA PU Flexi Soft Cover, Special case with transparent window, Smyth Sewn, Head & Tail Bands, 3 Silk bookmark ribbons, Gold edging, Gold on Black Thumb Indexes. Color: Charcoal & Black.

Book of Genesis Explained

Genesis is the book of beginnings. It records the beginning of time, life, sin, salvation, the human race, and the Hebrew nation. It begins with primeval history centered in four major events: the Creation, the Fall, the Flood, and the dispersion of the nations. Genesis then narrates the history of four great patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.

Title: The English title, Genesis, comes from the Greek translation (Septuagint, LXX) meaning “origins”; whereas, the Hebrew title is derived from the Bible’s very first word, translated “in the beginning.” Genesis serves to introduce the Pentateuch (the first 5 books of the Old Testament), and the entire bible.

The influence of Genesis in Scripture is demonstrated by its being quoted over 35 times in the New Testament and hundreds of allusions appearing in both Testaments. The story line of salvation which begins in Genesis 3 is not completed until Revelation chapters 21 and 22, where the eternal kingdom of redeemed believers is gloriously pictured.

The title, Genesis (Greek, “Beginning”), was applied to this book by the Septuagint. The Hebrew title (bereshit) comes from the first word of the book in Hebrew (“In the beginning”). The book is divided by 10 units (toledot) under the rubric: “These are the generations of.” Thus, some have suggested that Moses had access to the patriarchal records.

Books Of The Genesis Chronicle Rejected Scriptures John Hagee

Authorship - Date: With very few exceptions, Jewish and Christian scholars alike believed that Moses wrote Genesis. His authorship is supported by the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Palestinian Talmud, the Apocrypha (Ecclus. 45:4; 2 Macc. 7:30), the writings of Philo (Life of Moses 3:39), and Josephus (Antiquities of the Jews 4:8:45; Contra Apion I.8.

Moses life extended 120 years (Deut. 34:7). The first 40 years (1525–1485 B.C.) he spent as Pharaoh’s son, learning the wisdom of the Egyptians (Acts 7:22). He spent the next 40 years (1485-1445 B.C.) in the desert of Midian as a shepherd (Exodus 2:15; Acts 7:30). The final 40 years (1445-1405 B.C.), he spent wandering in the Sinai wilderness with the children of Israel (Deut. 8:2). He very likely wrote all of the books of the Pentateuch after his call to lead the people out of Egypt, as recounted in Exodus 3. This would have been in his last 40 years of life, during the wilderness wanderings.

Background – Setting: The initial setting for Genesis is eternity past. God then, by willful act and divine Word, spoke all creation into existence, furnished it, and finally breathed life into a lump of dirt which He fashioned in His image to become Adam. God made mankind the crowning point of His creation, i.e., His companions who would enjoy fellowship with Him and bring glory to His name.

The historical background for the early events in Genesis is clearly Mesopotamian. While it is difficult to pinpoint precisely the historical moment for which this book was written, Israel first heard Genesis sometime prior to crossing the Jordan River and entering the Promised Land (ca. 1405 B.C.). Genesis has 3 distinct, sequential geographical settings:

(1) Mesopotamia (chapters 1-22);

(2) The Promised Land (chapters 12-36); and

(3) Egypt (chapters 37-50).

The time frames of these 3 segments are:

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(1) Creation to ca 2090 B.C.;

(2) 2090-1897 B.C.; and

(3) 1897-1804 B.C.

Genesis covers more time than the remaining books of the Bible combined.

Historical – Theological Themes: In this book of beginnings, God revealed Himself and a worldview to Israel which contrasted, at times sharply, with the worldview of Israel’s neighbors. The author made no attempt to defend the existence of God or to present a systematic discussion of His person and works. Rather, Israel’s God distinguished Himself clearly from the alleged gods of her neighbors. Theological foundations are revealed which include God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, man, sin, redemption, covenant, promise, Satan and angels, kingdom, revelation, Israel, judgment and blessing.

The Bible Genesis

Genesis 1-11 (primeval history) reveals the origins of the universe, i.e., the beginnings of time and space and many of the firsts in human experience, such as marriage, family, the Fall, sin, redemption, judgment, and nations. Genesis 12-50 (patriarchal history), explained to Israel how they came into existence as a family whose ancestry could be traced to Eber (hence the “Hebrews”; Gen. 10:24-25), and even more remotely to Shem, the son of Noah (hence the “Semites”; Gen. 10:21). God’s people came to understand not only their ancestry and family history, but also the origins of their institutions, customs, languages, and different cultures, especially basic human experiences such as sin and death.

Because they were preparing to enter Canaan and dispossess the Canaanite inhabitants of their homes and properties, God revealed their enemies’ background. In addition, they needed to understand the actual basis of the war they were about to declare in light of the immorality of killing, consistent with the other 4 books that Moses was writing (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). Ultimately, the Jewish nation would understand a selected portion of preceding world history and the inaugural background of Israel as a basis by which they would live in their new beginnings under Joshua’s leadership in the land which had previously been promised to their original patriarchal forefather, Abraham.

Genesis 12:1-3 established a primary focus on God’s promises to Abraham. This narrowed their view from the entire world of peoples in Genesis 1-11 to one small nation, Israel, through whom God would progressively accomplish His redemptive plan. This underscored Israel’s mission to be “a light to the nations” (Isa. 42:6). God promised land, descendants (seed), and blessing. The 3-fold promise became, in turn, the basis of the covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15:1-20). The rest of Scripture bears out the fulfillment of these promises.

On a larger scale, Genesis 1-11 set forth a singular message about the character and works of God. In the sequence of accounts which make up these chapters of Scripture, a pattern emerges which reveals God’s abundant grace as He responded to the willful disobedience of mankind. Without exception, man responded in greater sinful rebellion. In biblical words, the more sin abounded the more did God’s grace abound (Romans 5:20).

One final theme of both theological and historical significance sets Genesis apart from other books of Scripture, in that the first book of Scripture corresponds closely with the final book. In the book of Revelation, the paradise which was lost in Genesis will be regained. The apostle John clearly presented the events recorded in his book as future resolutions to the problems which began as a result of the curse in Genesis 3. His focus is upon the effects of the Fall in the undoing of creation and the manner in which God rids His creation of the curse effect. In John’s own words, “There will no longer be any curse” (Rev. 22:3). Not surprisingly, in the final chapter of God’s Word, believers will find themselves back in the Garden of Eden, the eternal paradise of God, eating from the tree of life (Rev. 22:1-14). At that time, they will partake, wearing robes washed in the blood of the Lamb (Rev. 22:14).

Genesis is the foundational book to the rest of the Bible. Its important theological themes include the doctrines of God, Creation, man, sin and salvation. It teaches the importance of substitutionary atonement and of faith in God’s revelation of Himself to mankind. It also records the first messianic prophecies of the Bible predicting that the Redeemer would be born of the seed of a woman (3:15); through the line of Seth (4:25); a son of Shem (9:27); the offspring of Abraham (12:3); Isaac (21:12); and Jacob (25:23); and from the tribe of Judah (49:10).

Genesis covers more time than any other book in the Bible. It opens with the words: “In the beginning God created” (1:1), and it ends with “in a coffin in Egypt (50:26). Thus, it covers the whole plight of man, who was created in God’s image to live forever, but because of sin became destined for the grave. The book leaves the reader anxiously anticipating the redemptive intervention of God.

Each of the chapters are done individually. Some due to length, have been shortened into 'continued' sections. Each section contains a questionnaire which follows the section which has been done to aid in the learning process. Each section can be accessed by the simple menu found at the bottom of the file. (i.e., continue to next section or return to previous section.


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