• New Release With Code Live Check

[I'm sorry but I'm super busy now. If you want to be a maintainer of the project, please feel free to contact me! You've to be passionate about programming]

Live Server loves 💘 your multi-root workspace

Live Server for server side pages like PHP. Check Here

If you'd like to read these release notes online, go to Updates on code.visualstudio.com. Join us live at the VS Code team's livestream on Monday, August 17 at 9am Pacific (5pm London), to see a demo of what's new in this release and ask us questions live. Insiders: Want to try new features as soon as possible.

When prompted, accept the option to install the new release. Schedule future automatic updates. If you don't want to download updates now, you can schedule them to download later on. Go to the Help menu and select Update QuickBooks Desktop. Go to the Options tab. Select Yes to turn on automatic updates. V20.1.3.2: - Added 23 new faces added in last game update to 'updateplayerheadmodels.lua' script. Added '1ovr99pot.lua' (users lua scripts directory in folder with live editor) - Changes in GUI-Teams Editor: - Added Team Colors to Team Info - Added Manager Tab. For children born in 2017. Interested in 3-K programs for the 2020-2021 school year but don't yet have a placement? Email us at ESEnrollment@schools.nyc.gov.We will support you in exploring program availability.

[For 'command not found error' #78]

Launch a local development server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages.

Shortcuts to Start/Stop Server

[NOTE: In case if you don't have any .html or .htm file in your workspace then you have to follow method no 4 & 5 to start server.]

  1. Open a project and click to Go Live from the status bar to turn the server on/off.

  2. Right click on a HTML file from Explorer Window and click on Open with Live Server..

  3. Open a HTML file and right-click on the editor and click on Open with Live Server.

  4. Hit (alt+L, alt+O) to Open the Server and (alt+L, alt+C) to Stop the server (You can change the shortcut form keybinding). [On MAC, cmd+L, cmd+O and cmd+L, cmd+C]

  5. Open the Command Pallete by pressing F1 or ctrl+shift+P and type Live Server: Open With Live Server to start a server or type Live Server: Stop Live Server to stop a server.


  • A Quick Development Live Server with live browser reload.
  • Start or Stop server by a single click from status bar.
  • Open a HTML file to browser from Explorer menu.[Quick Gif Demo].
  • Support for excluding files for change detection.
  • Hot Key control.
  • Customizable Port Number, Server Root, default browser.
  • Support for any browser (Eg: Firefox Nightly) using advance Command Line.
  • Support for Chrome Debugging Attachment (More Info). [Quick Gif Demo].
  • Remote Connect through WLAN (E.g.: Connect with mobile) [Need Help? See FAQ Section]
  • Use preferable host name (localhost or
  • Customizable Supporting Tag for Live Reload feature. (Default is Body or head)
  • SVG Support
  • https Support.
  • Support for proxy.
  • CORS Enabled
  • Multi-root workspace supported.
  • Support for any file even dynamic pages through Live Server Web Extension.


Open VSCode and type ctrl+P, type ext install ritwickdey.liveserver.


All settings are now listed here Settings Docs.


All FAQs are now listed here FAQ Docs

What's new ?

  • Version 5.6.1 (17.04.19)

    • [NEW] Fixing Extension host terminated unexpectedly *[#431
  • Version 5.6.0 (17.04.19)

    • [NEW] Intregation of Browser Preview with Live Server[#352 - Thanks to Kenneth Auchenberg]
    • [NEW] Fallback to random port If given port is busy. [#330 - Thanks to Ali Almohaya ]
    • [FIXES] Moved to vscode-chokidar lib for #285.
    • Doc Fixes [#388 - Thanks to Ted Silbernagel]
  • Version 5.5.1 (12.02.19)

    • [Fixes] Fixed Extension host terminated unexpectedly for MacOS. [#285]
  • Version 5.5.0 (12.02.19)

    • [Fixes] Fixed ignoreFiles settings [#255]
    • Attempt to fix high cpu load [#278]


To check full changelog click here.

Special Thanks To Maintainers

A special thanks to Max Schmitt, Joydip Roy & Ayo Adesugba for contributing their valueable time on this project.


This extension is licensed under the MIT License

Update 1.48.1: The update addresses these issues.

Update 1.48.2: The update addresses these issues.

Downloads: Windows: UserSystemARM | Mac | Linux: snapdebrpmtarball

Welcome to the July 2020 release of Visual Studio Code. There are a number of updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include:

  • Settings Sync to Stable - Settings Sync is now available for preview in stable.
  • Updated Extensions view menu - Simplified menu with additional filtering options.
  • New Git View submenus - Refactored overflow menu for Git in the Source Control view.
  • Updated in-browser debugging - Debug in the browser without writing a launch configuration.
  • Publish a public repository - Choose whether to publish to a public or private GitHub repository.
  • Notebook UX updates - New Cell menu, enhanced drag and drop.
  • New Remote Container topics - Learn how to attach to a container and create a new dev container.
  • Java lightweight mode - Start working with your Java source files more quickly.

If you'd like to read these release notes online, go to Updates on code.visualstudio.com.

Join us live at the VS Code team's livestream on Monday, August 17 at 9am Pacific (5pm London), to see a demo of what's new in this release and ask us questions live.

Insiders: Want to try new features as soon as possible? You can download the nightly Insiders build and try the latest updates as soon as they are available. And for the latest Visual Studio Code news, updates, and content, follow us on Twitter @code!


This milestone, we again received helpful feedback from our community, which helped us identify and tackle accessibility issues.


Search Editor

We added an Open Search Editor command to open an existing search editor if one exists, or to otherwise create a new one. The pre-existing command Open new Search Editor has been renamed to New Search Editor, and will always create a new Search Editor.

Search Editors also now support custom search.sortOrder configurations, such as sorting by file type, modified date, or result count.

Extensions: Overflow menu cleanup

The Extensions view filter actions are now displayed under a separate filter action (funnel button):

Theme: GitHub Light

The Extensions view Views and More Actions (...) menu has been refactored for better organization of extension queries (such as Installed or Recommended) and other actions like Check for Extension Updates and Enable All Extensions:

Theme: GitHub Light

Source Control

Always show repositories

There's a new setting, scm.alwaysShowRepositories, that makes the Source Control view always show the repository rows, even if there's only a single repository open:

Better keyboard navigation

As you navigate the Source Control view, pressing Space on a change will now open it as a preview editor and keep the focus in the Source Control view, for easier keyboard navigation.

Git: Overflow menu cleanup

Thanks to the new submenu proposed API, the Git View and More Actions (...) menu has been refactored for better organization of several commands:

GitHub: Publish to a public repository

When publishing a repository to GitHub, you now have the option to make the repository public, as opposed to the previous default, private:


UX improvements

  • The default value of the debug.openDebug setting has been changed to openOnFirstSessionStart. As a result, the Debug view will only be automatically opened when the first debug session is started.

  • We have updated the debug icon in the Status bar to be better aligned with the icon we use in the Activity bar. This new icon should represent more clearly that the breakpoints will be respected when the program is started this way.

Debug: Open Link command

A new Debug: Open Link command has been added to quickly debug any URL. Previously, to debug a browser, you had to install the Debugger for Chrome extension and write a launch.json config file to debug a page. This command allows you to debug any URL without needing additional launch configurations.

Theme: Earthsong

If you have a URL selected in your active editor, it will open that automatically. Otherwise, VS Code will prompt you to enter a URL, pre-filling with the URL in your clipboard, if any.

You can adjust the debug configuration used in this command via the debug.javascript.debugByLinkOptions setting.

JavaScript Debugger improvements

The previous release of VS Code included our new JavaScript debugger. We'd like to thank the community for your feedback on it, and this release includes dozens of resulting fixes and improvements. If you run into any issues with debugging, please make sure to file an issue if you haven't already.

Browser support

Text file encoding support

All of the text file encodings of the desktop version of VS Code are now also supported when running in a browser.

As such, the settings files.encoding and files.autoGuessEncoding can be now configured for web and work, in the same way as in the desktop version.

Preview features

Preview features are not ready for release but are functional enough to use. We welcome your early feedback while they are under development.

Settings Sync

Settings Sync is now available for preview in the stable release 🎉. Refer to the user guide for more information & FAQs.

This feature is now called Settings Sync and all of its references and settings have been adjusted to align with the new name.

Theme: GitHub Light

Manual merge

In this milestone, we made the flow for turning on Settings Sync much smoother when you have done a sync before by introducing the manual merge feature:

Settings Sync Insiders service

We added a new Settings Sync Insiders service for VS Code Insiders, separate from the stable build. You can always sync your Insiders with stable using the Settings Sync: Select Service... command, which is available only in VS Code Insiders.

Theme: GitHub Light

Settings editor improvements


The highlight of this milestone was our work on improving the Settings editor accessibility, which is still a work in progress. Over the past couple iterations, we have been listening to feedback and exploring options for making the Settings editor easier to use with a screen reader. We investigated two possible solutions to these issues and have produced two prototypes, and we are now looking for your feedback to help us learn what works best. Please see GitHub issue #104318 for details, download links, and to leave your feedback.

TypeScript 4.0 support

We will be picking up TypeScript 4.0 next iteration, but the current VS Code release includes support for all the upcoming features if you want to try the 4.0-RC ahead of time. Some highlights:

  • Partial IntelliSense while a project is loading.
  • Highlight calls to deprecated symbols in the editor with strikethrough.
  • Explain reasons why a given refactoring cannot be applied.
  • Improved auto imports - Read more in the TypeScript 4.0 blog post.

You can try out these features today by installing the TypeScript 4.0-rc into your workspace or by installing the TypeScript nightly extension.

Contributions to extensions

Hex Editor

The HexEditor extension sees further improvements this iteration with support for copy and paste, file watching, and find and replace. A full list of notable changes can be found in the CHANGELOG. Any feedback or issues experienced can be filed against the vscode-hexeditor repository.

Copy and Paste Support

We've added the ability to copy values to your clipboard and paste them either inside the editor, or into whatever other source you wish.

Find and Replace Support

The hex editor now comes with a similar find and replace widget to the one found within VS Code. It supports searching hexadecimal fields using wildcards (for example, FF ?? DD) and regex searching on the decoded text section.

Multi Select

You can now use drag and drop selection, Shift and (Ctrl+click) selection, and holding Shift and navigating with the keyboard to create a selection.

Remote Development

Work continues on the Remote Development extensions, which allow you to use a container, remote machine, or the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as a full-featured development environment.

Feature highlights in 1.48 include:

  • Remote - Containers: Pull environment variables from login and shell scripts.
  • Remote - SSH: Fewer prompts when starting or maintaining an SSH connection.

You can learn about new extension features and bug fixes in the Remote Development release notes.


The VS Code team is continuing work on native support for Notebooks. To help with development, we've created a GitHub Issue Notebooks extension, which lets you search GitHub issues and pull requests. This extension is still in preview and requires using VS Code Insiders, but it lets you experience Notebooks first hand, and we welcome your feedback.

Notebook UX

We continue to tweak the general UX of Notebooks. This month we made cells even more compact and added a Cell menu (...) to the toolbar to make cell-related actions even easier to find.

Drag and drop enhancement

We improved the experience of drag and drop in Notebooks. Dragging a collapsed Markdown cell will move all nested cells inside the folding region.

Reopen with editor

You can now reopen the Notebook document in the text editor, or any other available editor types directly from the context menu of the editor title.

Collapsing cells and outputs

You can now collapse cell outputs and inputs, which are useful when you want to clean up your Notebook view to focus on other parts of it.

Jupyter notebooks using the Python Extension

The Python Extension team has announced a preview for using Jupyter with VS Code's native notebooks. You can read details in their Python Notebooks blog post.

GitHub Pull Requests and Issues

Work continues on the GitHub Pull Requests and Issues extension, which allows you to work on, create, and manage pull requests and issues. Some updates for this release include:

  • Offer to fork a repository when you don't have permissions, when you want to push a commit or Start Working on an Issue.
  • Upgraded the version of the GitHub rest API we use for better performance.

To learn about all the new features and updates, you can see the full changelog for the 0.19.0 release of the extension.

Extension authoring

Task definition when clause

Task definitions now have an optional when property. You can use the when property to set a condition for when tasks of that type are available. If there is a case where even if one of your tasks has been configured in the users tasks.json file but it shouldn't be available anywhere from the VS Code UI, you can set a when condition to prevent the task from showing anywhere.

Tree view initial visibility

• new release with code live check meaning

Tree views can set a visibility on their package.json contribution. The options are visible (default), collapsed, and hidden. The visibility state is only used the first time the user opens a workspace, after that, the visibility is always restored to whatever the user set it to.

Git: Get remote sources command

The Git extension now exposes a new extension API command to show a remote source Quick Pick interface: git.api.getRemoteSources. Read more about this in issue #102394.

Using Authentication Providers

The API for retrieving authentication information from Authentication Providers is now stable. Using getSession and onDidChangeSession, extensions are able to request login information and listen for changes for the two built- in Authentication Providers, Microsoft and GitHub. See here for a sample extension on how to authenticate to GitHub.

New Webview with codicons extension sample

We've added a new Webview extension sample that includes a reference to our codicon library. This uses the vscode-codicons npm package and references the packages from a webview.

Language Server Index Format

The TypeScript LSIF generator added support for multi project setups. In addition, memory consumption was optimized, especially around symbols exported via explicit export statements.

Proposed extension APIs

Every milestone comes with new proposed APIs and extension authors can try them out. As always, we want your feedback. This is what you have to do to try out a proposed API:

  • You must use Insiders because proposed APIs change frequently.
  • You must have this line in the package.json file of your extension: 'enableProposedApi': true.
  • Copy the latest version of the vscode.proposed.d.ts file into your project's source location.

Note that you cannot publish an extension that uses a proposed API. There may be breaking changes in the next release and we never want to break existing extensions.

• new release with code live check on netflix


The menu API has been extended to support submenus. This has already been adopted by the Git extension to clean its overflow menu. Check out the syntax as well as the possibilities that this API enables.

Stopping debug sessions

VS Code uses the function vscode.debug.startDebugging for starting debug sessions. In this milestone, we introduced the matching function vscode.debug.stopDebugging to stop a specific session (or all sessions). With this new API, it is no longer necessary to use the less predictable Debug: Stop command (command ID: workbench.action.debug.stop) which only stops the 'active' debug session.

Documentation and extensions

New Remote Container topics

• new release with code live check meaning

There are new topics for working with Containers in VS Code:

  • Attach to Container - Attach to an already running Docker Container.
  • Create a Dev Container - Create a custom container matching your development environment.
  • devcontainer.json reference - Control container creation through devcontainer.json properties.

And check out this blog post on using Dev Containers in Education to help educators and students create stable, reproducible classroom setups.

Java lightweight mode

The Language Support for Java extension now supports a lightweight mode, for when you want to quickly work with your Java source files. You'll still get powerful language features such as code completion, navigation, outlining, and syntax checking for your source code, as well as the JDK.

Azure Cache extension

The new Azure Cache extension makes it easy to browse through data in your Azure Caches.

Notable fixes

  • 33720: Wrong guess encoding as Windows 1252
  • 102037: If a debug adapter fails to send a terminated event, VS Code gets stuck in debug mode
  • 103463: When docked, the 'disconnect' and 'stop' icons in the debug toolbar don't update properly

Thank you

Last but certainly not least, a big Thank You to the following people who contributed this month to VS Code:

Contributions to our issue tracking:

Contributions to vscode:

  • Alvin Tang (@alvintangz): Feature #88480: Empty Lines Not Getting Commented-Out PR #93160
  • Andrew Branch (@andrewbranch)
    • Change includePackageJsonAutoImports options PR #103732
    • [typescript-language-features] Add setting for package.json auto imports PR #103037
    • [typescript-language-features] Add telemetry for package.json auto imports PR #103126
  • Charles Gagnon (@Charles-Gagnon): Only throw error if releaseNotesUrl doesn't exist PR #102149
  • Shelley Vohr (@codebytere): fix: add missing property to deserializeRunnable PR #103436
  • Connor Skees (@connorskees)
    • use ^H to delete word left in cmd.exe PR #98494
    • only emit ctrl+h for cmd.exe when the terminal is in focus PR #102508
  • Damien Martin-Guillerez (@damienmg): Use the search order settings for the search editor PR #103627
  • Daniel Rosenwasser (@DanielRosenwasser): Add check to ensure TS 4.0-RC and forward use '--serverMode'. PR #104123
  • Ed Jeffreys (@edjeffreys): #98942 Clear Search Pattern Fields PR #100024
  • Ikko Ashimine (@eltociear): Fixed typo PR #103297
  • Alexander Fadeev (@fadeevab): Add new Makefile test case for upgraded syntax PR #101719
  • John Murray (@gjsjohnmurray)
    • fix #100437 Improve 'terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell' info PR #100445
    • Improve text of SCM count badge settings PR #101677
    • Show SCM uppercase in settings search titles PR #101679
  • Fedor Nezhivoi (@gyzerok)
    • Move read and write logic from nativeTextFileService to textFileService for #79275 PR #100804
    • remove jschardet typings workaround for #79275 PR #101705
    • fix #79275 enable encodings for web PR #101706
  • Evgeny Gryaznov (@inspirer): Add missing code-import-patterns for files and directories targeting web. PR #102961
  • Jason Williams (@jasonwilliams)
    • fix h1 oversized bottom margin on markdown preview PR #102520
    • fix styling to improve heading spacing fixes #102036 PR #102427
    • fix paragraphs inside of <ul>s which are too spaced apart. PR #102719
  • Jean Pierre (@jeanp413)
    • Fixes quick find symbol finder shows 'no matching results' after backspace PR #101844
    • Fixes regression: cannot open image with special characters '#', '?', '%' PR #102189
    • Fixes command 'markdown.api.render' generates different html content for the same markdown string PR #103578
  • James Lave (@jlave-dev): Add GitHub public repo option PR #102406
  • David Linskey (@Linskeyd): Fix webview focus steal that occurs when the application is re-focused PR #98847
  • Logan Ramos (@lramos15): Support quickpick on open anyways PR #103712
  • Ludovic Galibert (@ludokx): Add #97640: Added options to enable codelens for diff editors PR #97644
  • He Linming (@MrHeer): Fixes #103129 PR #103130
  • @NotWearingPants
    • Retry fetching release notes on failure, and display failures PR #101158
    • Allow to reopen closed webviews if the extension supports it PR #100979
    • Treat all files with npmrc/npmignore/gitignore extensions as properties/ignore files PR #103044
    • Treat all files with git{config,attributes,modules}/editorconfig extensions as properties files PR #103326
  • @nrayburn-tech
    • Add check for shadow dom root before closing submenu PR #93667
    • Change from a dialog to a notification for extension actions PR #103338
  • Ye-hyoung Kang (@pastelmind): Add filename patterns for jsconfig.json PR #103360
  • Pascal Fong Kye (@pfongkye): fix: remove flexbox to enable ellipsis PR #102640
  • Pierce Boggan (@pierceboggan): Fix runtime exception and add Teams PR #103209
  • Tony Xia (@tony-xia)
    • saveUntitedBeforeShutdown -> saveUntitledBeforeShutdown PR #101740
    • Typo: ICommontTelemetryPropertiesResolver -> ICommonTelemetryPropertiesResolver PR #101739
  • @troy351: chore: remove redundant code PR #102471
  • Tyler Brockett (@tylerbrockett): Fix typo in preferences sync - Canelled to Cancelled PR #103431
  • Alan Zhang (@zcfan): fix #102289 PR #102660

Contributions to vscode-json-languageservice:

• New Release With Code Live Check On Iphone

  • Adrián Panella (@ianchi): Expose getMatchingSchemas PR #47

Contributions to vscode-vsce:

  • Jeffrey (@JeffreyCA): Prevent mailto links from being joined with prefix PR #472

Contributions to vscode-eslint:

  • Matt Lubner (@mattlubner): Add a NODE_ENV configuration setting for eslint PR #988
  • (@NotWearingPants): Treat all files with an eslintignore extension as ignore files PR #1025
  • Dimitri Mitropoulos (@dimitropoulos): typo: missing double quote in example json PR #1031
  • David Turesson (@mrxdst): Disable rule for entire file inserts the comment under the shebang. PR #1036

Contributions to language-server-protocol:

  • Remy Suen (@rcjsuen): Fix typos in document change notifications PR #1043
  • Florian Loitsch (@floitsch): Fix typo. PR #1055Danny Tuppeny (@DanTup): Minor tweaks for consistency to improve parsing PR #1058
  • Zhang Zhi (@fytriht): Update broken links PR #1060

Contributions to debug-adapter-protocol:

  • kuafuwang (@kuafuwang): Add link to JCIDE which support DAP PR #129
  • actboy168 (@actboy168): Add Lua Debug Adapter PR #131

Contributions to vscode-recipes:

  • Ellis Kenyő (@elken): Update README.md PR #252
  • tasdevani21 (@tasdevani21): Update Vuejs readme to include latest cli commands and improve debugging PR #263

Contribution to vscode-hexeditor:

  • Jean Pierre (@jeanp413): Improvements to cell selection logic PR #92

Contributions to vscode-js-debug:

  • Ashik Paul (@Ashikpaul): Fixed a minor typo PR #614

• New Release With Code Live Checks

Contributions to vscode-generator-code:

• New Release With Code Live Check On A Check

  • undefined (@masnn): Update index.js PR #216
  • Sibiraj (@sibiraj-s): Update Eslint, Mocha PR #213