Unit 3operations With Fractionswelcome

  • Fraction Operations To add (or subtract) two fractions: 1) Find the least common denominator. 2) Write both original fractions as equivalent fractions with the least common denominator. 3) Add (or subtract) the numerators. 4) Write the result with the denominator.
  • Unit 4: Operations with Fractions How are improper fractions and mixed numbers alike and different? How can you use fractions to solve addition and subtraction problems? How do we add fractions with like denominators? How do we apply our understanding of.
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Visual Aids for Teaching
Fractions Worksheets

Related Answers Calculate the simple interest earned on an investment of The local hardware store has a discount sale. Articles are offered for sale at 25% off the recommended retail price. 'In Module 3, students’ understanding of addition and subtraction of fractions extends from earlier work with fraction equivalence and decimals. This module marks a significant shift away from the elementary grades’ centrality of base ten units to the study and use of the full set of fractional units from Grade 5 forward, especially as applied to algebra.'

Visual Fraction Worksheets
Fractions Worksheets

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Fractions Worksheets

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Unit 3operations With Fractionswelcome
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Fractions Worksheets

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

We can only add or subtract fractions when they have the same denominator. Therefore, the first step in adding or subtracting fractions is writing them as fractions with the same denominator (see Reducing Fractions and the Least Common Denominator). Once the denominators have been equalized, adding or subtracting the fractions is easy--simply add or subtract the numerators, while keeping the denominator the same. The numerator of the answer is this result, and the denominator of the answer is the common denominator.

It is often useful to write the answer in lowest terms, using the steps learned in Reducing Fractions and the Least Common Denominator.

Example 1: 1/12 + 5/42 = ?
I. Find the LCD.

1. Factor the denominators. 12 = 2×2×3 and 42 = 2×3×72. Find the LCM of the denominators. 2×2×3×7 = 843. The LCD is 84.
II. Write each fraction as an equivalent fraction with the LCD (84) as the new denominator.
(a) 12×7 = 84. 7 = 7
(b) 42×2 = 84. 2 = 10
Thus, 1/12 = 7/84 and

Operations With Fractions Practice Pdf

5/42 = 10/84
III. Add. 7 + 10 = 17
7/84 + 10/84 = 17/84.BR>
IV. Reduce. Since 17 and 84 have no common factors, the fraction cannot be reduced further.
1/12 + 5/42 = 17/84

Example 2: 13/20 - 3/70 = ?
I. Find the LCD

1. 20 = 2×2×5 and 70 = 2×5×7
2. 2×2×5×7 = 140
3. The LCD is 140
II. Write as equivalent fractions with the LCD as the denominator.
(a) 20×7 = 140. 13×7 = 91
(b) 70×2 = 140. 2 = 6
Thus, 13/20 = 91/140 and 3/70 = 6/140
III. Subtract. 91 - 6 = 85
91/140 - 6/140 = 85/140
IV. Reduce.
1. Factor the numerator and the denominator. 85 = 5×17 and 140 = 2×2×5×7
2. Find the GCF. The GCF is 5.BR>3. Divide. 85/5 = 17 and 140/5 = 28. Thus, 85/140 = 17/28
13/20 - 3/70 = 17/28.

Example 3: 9/8 - 5/12 - 2/5 = ?
I and II. As we have already learned,these three fractions with common denominators are:

9/8 = 135/120
5/12 = 50/120
2/5 = 48/120
III. Subtract. 135 - 50 - 48 = 37
135/120 - 50/120 - 48/120 = 37/120
IV. Reduce. Since 37 and 120 have no common factors, the fraction cannot be reduced further.

All Operations With Fractions Worksheet

9/8 - 5/12 - 2/5 = 37/120

Numbers And Operations Fractions

Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers

Operations With Fractions Examples

To add and subtract mixed numbers, first add or subtract the whole numbers and then add or subtract the fractions as above. If the fractional part is improper, convert it to a mixed number (see converting mixed fractions).