Miscellaneousonline Lutheran Bible Study

God speaks to all people through His living Word, so Resurrection stresses constant contact with that Word as essential for growth and maturity in our faith-lives and the lives of others, facilitating our transformation toward “Christ-likeness”.


Miscellaneousonline Lutheran Bible Study Books

Sunday Morning Bible Study
9:30 am – Zoom

The Rev. Tim Rake will be leading a study on Selected Psalms, beginning this Sunday morning, 9:30-10:20 am. Still given in Zoom format because of pandemic restrictions, this is a great opportunity to learn and fellowship together!

Meeting ID: 890 5637 7750

Miscellaneousonline lutheran bible study guideMiscellaneousonline lutheran bible study books
  1. The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations presents a monthly series of Reformation-themed Bible studies to encourage “in-depth examination and study of the ecumenical creeds and Lutheran Confessions.” Bible Study: It's Still All About Jesus.
  2. Biblia de Estudio Herencia Reformada RVR 1960, Enc. Dura (Reformation Heritage Study Bible, Hardcover) Reformation Heritage Books / 2018 / Hardcover $28.99 Retail: $40.00 Save 28% ($11.01).
  3. Download handouts from the Sunday morning Acts Bible Class! Acts Introduction Outlines of Acts Acts Summaries Article on Pentecost Notes on Acts chapter 1 Notes on Acts chapter 2 Notes on Acts chapters 3-4 According to God's Plan: A Portrait of Chris.

Password: 404098

Miscellaneousonline lutheran bible study books

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many hardships, even to those in the church: fear, guilt, financial strain, anger, exhaustion. As part of its Making Disciples for Life initiative, this Bible study series from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod addresses these various trials in light of God’s Word and promises for us.


Miscellaneousonline Lutheran Bible Study Lessons

Tuesday Small Group Bible Study
Meets online via Zoom every Tuesday morning from 10:00 – 11:15 am

Miscellaneousonline Lutheran Bible Study Bible

We will continue studying the Sunday lectionary readings. Best offline games apk. You are welcome to join in our Zoom gatherings anytime. Meetings are every Tuesday, 10:15-11:30 am. Contact Deni Lewis, the facilitator, for Zoom Link & Passcode (rlcnndeni@gmail.com) or call the church office for her phone #.