Ot Surveydeltoonline Lutheran Bible Study

  1. What Bible Do Lutherans Study
  2. Free Online Lutheran Bible Study

The Bible’s proverbs are rooted in “the fear of the LORD” (Proverbs 1:7), and so they are both trustworthy and true, as we are told, “ There are many plans in a man's heart, Nevertheless the LORD'S counsel-that will stand” (Proverbs 19:21). The OT Daily Bible Study Series, “Job” looks at personal learning and the theology of late Old Testament Judaism. That book is, however, a horrible book to read. I was never able to read as many pages as I wanted in one sitting and Tim consistently fell asleep trying to read it. Understanding the theology and therefore the moral thinking.

Studies and sections below:
  • Concise Study Series
  • Foundations Study Series
  • Intermediate Study Series
  • Comprehensive Study Series
  • Other Free Resources

There are four series of topical Bible studies: the Concise, Foundations, Intermediate and Comprehensive study series. They are based on the editions of The Bible Unpacked with the corresponding names. They contain the same text, with questions added.

Ot surveydeltoonline lutheran bible study fellowship

The ePub, mobi and online versions have Bible study questions included towards the back of the Concise, Foundations, Intermediate and Comprehensive editions. These are available at 7 editions. The downloads on this page are all PDFs.

Mage pvp for all of yourneeds. Blind and vision impaired users can contact this site for accessible copies.

Concise Study Series

This series of free Bible studies is based on the Concise Edition. It is for new or young Christians.

The series has two booklets, which contain four chapters each. The chapters would usually require a session or two to complete.

For a simple printing option, go to Single Chapters.

I. What to Know

II. What to Do

Foundations Study Series

This series of free Bible studies is based on the Foundations Edition. It is for Christians wanting a firm grounding in their faith. It is very good for studies with newer or older-teenage believers.

It is comprised of eight booklets, with five chapters each. The chapters would usually require one or two study sessions to complete.

For a simple printing option, go to Single Chapters.

I. What to Know

A. God and Spiritual Powers
B. God and the World: Basics
C. God and the World: Jesus Christ
D. God and His Own People

What Bible Do Lutherans Study

II. What to Do

E. Relating to God
F. Church Life
G. Relating to People
H. Persevering

Zip file of whole series. Mobiles might need an app to download a zip file.

Intermediate Study Series

This series of free Bible studies is based on the Intermediate Edition. It is for Christians wanting to build on a basic understanding of the faith, and is excellent for Bible study groups.

The series is comprised of eight booklets, with five chapters each. All chapters have two major sections. Each section would usually require one or two study sessions to complete.

For a simple printing option, go to Single Chapters.

I. What to Know

A. God and Spiritual Powers
B. God and the World: Basics
C. God and the World: Jesus Christ
D. God and His Own People

II. What to Do

E. Relating to God
F. Church Life
G. Relating to People
H. Persevering

Zip file of whole series. (Mobiles might need an app.)

Comprehensive Study Series

This series of free Bible studies is based on the Comprehensive Edition. It is for Christians wanting to study particular topics in more depth, and is well suited to Bible study groups.

The studies are in 40 booklets (see below) with two sections each. Each section would usually require one or two sessions to complete.

I. What to Know

A. God and Spiritual Powers

1. God’s Being
2. God’s Character
3. Jesus Christ
4. The Holy Spirit
5. Angels, Demons and Satan

B. God and the World: Basics

Free Online Lutheran Bible Study

6. God’s Creation
7. God’s Sovereignty
8. God’s Word
9. The Problem of Sin
10. God’s Judgment

C. God and the World: Jesus Christ

11. God’s Promised Messiah
12. Jesus Christ’s Mission
13. Salvation Through Jesus Christ
14. The New Order
15. ‘The Last Things’

D. God and His Own People

16. The Standing of God’s People
17. Keys to God’s Interaction
18. God’s Transformation of His People
19. God’s Care of His People
20. God’s Plans for His People

II. What to Do

E. Relating to God

21. Being Right with God
22. Having Faith in God
23. Loving, Fearing and Obeying God
24. Connecting with God
25. Exalting God

F. Church Life

26. Being One Body
27. Worshiping God
28. Serving God
29. Significant Practices
30. Church Leadership

G. Relating to Other People

31. Love
32. Justice
33. Wisdom
34. Common Relationships
35. Spreading the Gospel

H. Persevering

36. Standing Firm
37. Rejecting Sin
38. Major Pitfalls
39. Hard Times
40. Persecution

Zip file of whole series. (Mobiles might need an app.)

Other Free Resources

See Rev. Dr John Mallison’s site for freeChristian mentoring and cell group resources. Included are PDFs of: ‘Mentoring to Develop Disciples & Leaders’ and ‘The Small-Group Leader’.