The Gospel Of Bartholomewrejected Scriptures

The Gospel of Bartholomew is a missing text amongst the New Testament apocrypha, mentioned in several early sources.It may be identical to either the Questions of Bartholomew, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (by Bartholomew), or neither. Our culture has embraced the idea of suffering for a cause, but it has cheapened the concept of martyrdom in the process. Terms like social change martyr, digital martyr, work martyr, and political martyr have expanded the meaning of martyr to include any inconvenience resulting from expressing an opinion. BARTHOLOMEW THE APOSTLE, BOOK OF THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST BY. A Coptic text published by E. Wallis Budge from a MS in the British Museum. In addition, there are fragments in Paris and Berlin, which present two different recensions. From a comparison, Schneemelcher concludes that the latter are more original, the London MS showing further.


a son that suspends the waters

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(son of Tolmai), one of the twelve apostles of Christ. (Matthew 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:14; Acts 1:13) It has been not improperly conjectured that he is identical with Nathanael. (John 1:45) ff. He is said to have preached the gospel in India, that is, probably, Arabia Felix, and according to some in Armenia.


One of the twelve apostles, Matthew 10:3Mark 3:18Luke 6:14Acts 1:13. He is named in connection with Philip, and seems to have been the same person, whom John calls Nathanael, John 1:45-51, and mentions among the other apostles, John 21:2. Nathanael may have been his real name, and Bar-tholomew, that is, son of Tolmai, his patronymic and best-known name. See APOSTLE and NATHANAEL.

Easton's Bible Dictionary
Son of Tolmai, one of the twelve apostles (Matthew 10:3; Acts 1:13); generally supposed to have been the same as Nathanael. In the synoptic gospels Philip and Bartholomew are always mentioned together, while Nathanael is never mentioned; in the fourth gospel, on the other hand, Philip and Nathanael are similarly mentioned together, but nothing is said of Bartholomew. He was one of the disciples to whom our Lord appeared at the Sea of Tiberias after his resurrection (John 21:2). He was also a witness of the Ascension (Acts 1:4, 12, 13). He was an 'Israelite indeed' (John 1:47). BARTHOLOMEW

bar-thol'-o-mu (Bartholomaios, i.e. 'son of Tolmai or Tolmai'): One of the Twelve Apostles (Matthew 10:3Mark 3:18Luke 6:14Acts 1:13). There is no further reference to him in the New Testament. According to the 'Genealogies of the Twelve Apostles' (Budge, Contendings of the Apostles, II, 50) 'Bartholomew was of the house of Naphtali. Now his name was formerly John, but our Lord changed it because of John the son of Zebedee, His beloved.' A 'Gospel of Bartholomew' is mentioned by Hieronymus (Comm. Proem ad Matth.), and Gelasius gives the tradition that Bartholomew brought the Hebrew gospel of Matthew to India. In the 'Preaching of Bartholomew in the Oasis' (compare Budge, II, 90) he is referred to as preaching probably in the oasis of Al Bahnasa, and according to the 'Preaching of Andrew and Bartholomew' he labored among the Parthians (Budge, II, 183). The 'Martyrdom of Bartholomew' states that he was placed in a sack and cast into the sea.
From the 9th century onward, Bartholomew has generally been identified with Nathanael, but this view has not been conclusively established.
C. M. Kerr



918. Bartholomaios -- 'son of Tolmai,' Bartholomew, one of the ...
... 917, 918. Bartholomaios. 919 . 'son of Tolmai,' Bartholomew, one of the twelve ...
Mt 10:3; Jn 1:45ff). That is, Bartholomew's 'first name' was apparently '.'. ...
// - 7k

3482. Nathanael -- Nathanael (probably the same as Bartholomew)
... Nathanael (probably the same as Bartholomew). Part of Speech: Proper Noun, Indeclinable
Transliteration: Nathanael Phonetic Spelling: (nath-an-ah-ale') Short ...
// - 6k

St. Bartholomew
... II. THE CHRISTIAN YEAR St. Bartholomew. [1077]287 King of saints, to whom the number. ...
/.../the hymnal of the protestant episcopal church in the usa/st bartholomew.htm

Bartholomew Ringwaldt
...Bartholomew Ringwaldt. [94]Ringwaldt was the author of the hymn so well known
in England under the mistaken title of 'Luther's Hymn,'. ...
/.../winkworth/christian singers of germany/bartholomew ringwaldt.htm

Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew.
Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew. <. ... Martyrdom
of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew. Historians ...
/.../martyrdom of the holy and.htm

Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew
Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew. <. Martyrdom of the
Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew Unknown. Alexander Walker, Esq. ...
/.../unknown/martyrdom of the holy and glorious apostle bartholomew/

King of Saints, to whom the Number
... II. THE CHRISTIAN YEAR Holy Days: St. Bartholomew 287. King of saints, to whom the
number. ... In the roll of thine apostles. One there stands, Bartholomew,. ...
/.../holy days st bartholomew 287.htm

Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew
Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew. <. ...
/.../unknown/martyrdom of the holy and glorious apostle bartholomew/title page.htm

Jesus Makes his First Disciples.
... [It appears that Peter afterward removed to Capernaum'Mark 1:29.] 45 Philip findeth
Nathanael [Nathanael is commonly identified with Bartholomew for the ...
/.../mcgarvey/the four-fold gospel/xxi jesus makes his first.htm

Pant??nus the Philosopher.
... For Bartholomew, [1512] one of the apostles, had preached to them, and left with
them the writing of Matthew in the Hebrew language, [1513] which they had ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter x pantaenus the philosopher.htm

Addition to Acts of Philip.
... And the executioners ran to the house of Stachys, and laid hold of Philip, and
Bartholomew, and Mariamme, with the leopard and the kid of the goats, and ...
/.../unknown/the acts of philip/addition to acts of philip.htm


Subject Index
... Bishopric of Ely, [2373]Bishopric of Ely, [2374]Vacant. Black Bartholomew,
[2375]Black Bartholomew, [2376]Black Bartholomew. Black ...
/.../luckock/studies in the book of common prayer/subject index.htm

Bartholomew (4 Occurrences)
... In the synoptic gospels Philip and Bartholomew are always mentioned together, while
Nathanael is never mentioned; in the fourth gospel, on the other hand ...
/b/bartholomew.htm - 10k

Nathanael (6 Occurrences)
... His name occurs only in the Gospel of John, who in his list of the disciples never
mentions Bartholomew, with whom he has consequently been identified. ...
/n/nathanael.htm - 13k

Zealot (4 Occurrences)
... Thus (1) all the arguments adduced in favor of the Bartholomew-Nathanael identification
(see NATHANAEL) can equally be applied to that of Simon-Nathanael ...
/z/zealot.htm - 12k

Cananaean (2 Occurrences)
... Thus (1) all the arguments adduced in favor of the Bartholomew-Nathanael identification
(see NATHANAEL) can equally be applied to that of Simon-Nathanael ...
/c/cananaean.htm - 10k

Canaanite (74 Occurrences)
... Thus (1) all the arguments adduced in favor of the Bartholomew-Nathanael identification
(see NATHANAEL) can equally be applied to that of Simon-Nathanael ...
/c/canaanite.htm - 36k

Alpheus (5 Occurrences)
... Matthew 10:3 Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the publican; James the
son of Alpheus, and Lebbeus, whose surname was Thaddeus; (WBS YLT). ...
/a/alpheus.htm - 7k

Alphaeus (5 Occurrences)
... Matthew 10:3 Philip; Bartholomew; Thomas; Matthew the tax collector; James the son
of Alphaeus; Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus; (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY ...
/a/alphaeus.htm - 12k

Andrew (12 Occurrences)
... people converted. (3) 'The Acts of Andrew and Bartholomew' (Budge, II, 183)
gives an account of their mission among the Parthians. (4 ...
/a/andrew.htm - 20k

Thomas (12 Occurrences)
... Matthew 10:3 Philip; Bartholomew; Thomas; Matthew the tax collector; James the son
of Alphaeus; Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus; (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY ...
/t/thomas.htm - 17k

Thaddeus (2 Occurrences)
... Matthew 10:3 Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the publican; James the
son of Alpheus, and Lebbeus, whose surname was Thaddeus; (WBS YLT). ...
/t/thaddeus.htm - 7k

Who was Bartholomew in the Bible? |
Why is the order of Jesus' calling His disciples different in some of the gospels? |
Who were the twelve (12) disciples / apostles of Jesus Christ? |
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Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte derAltchristlichen Literatur 38.4 (1912)


(English translation - RP,part V checked against Hennecke-Schneemelcher I p.38-40.)

Ernst von Dobschütz


I. It was said:

1. Firstly the seven-fold Spirit which remains in Christshould be discussed:

the spirit of wisdom: 'Christ the power and wisdom of God'.
the spirit of understanding: 'I will give you understanding, and I will instructyou in the way you will go'.
the spirit of counsel: 'And his name is called the messenger of greatcounsel'.
the spirit of virtues: as above, 'The power of God and the wisdom of God'.
the spirit of knowledge: 'Because of the eminence of the knowledge of theapostle of Christ Jesus'.
the spirit of truth: 'I am the way the life and the truth'.
the spirit of the fear of God: 'The fear of the Lord is the beginning ofwisdom'.

2. However the dispensation of Christ has a name of manyforms:

God, who is spirit;
the word, who is God;
the Son, who is only-begotten of the Father;
the man, who was born of the virgin;
the priest, who offered himself as a sacrifice;
the shepherd, who is the guard;
the worm, who rose from the dead;
the mountain, which is strong;
the way, which is straight;
the harbour, which one may pass through into life;
the lamb, which was slain;
the stone, which is the cornerstone;
the master, who is the bringer of life;
the sun, which is the illuminator;
the true, which is of the Father;
the life, which is the creator;
the bread, which is dear;
the Samaritan, who is the guard and the merciful;
the Christ, who is the anointed one;
Jesus, who is the saviour;
God, who is from God;
the messenger, who was sent;
the bridegroom, who is the mediator;
the vine, by whose own blood we are redeemed;
the lion, who is king;
the rock, which is the foundation;
the flower, which is chosen;
the prophet, who revealed the future.

3. For the Holy Spirit is not of the Father only or of the Son only, butof the Father and the Son; for it is written: 'He whodelights in the world, the Spirit of the Father is not in him'; again itis written; 'However anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ, doesnot belong to him'. So the Holy Spirit is understood to be called of theFather and the Son, [and] of whom the Son himself in the gospel says thatthe Holy Spirit 'proceeds from the Father' and 'he will receive from me and hewill make known to you'.

II. Likewise it was said:

Now indeed the issue of the divine scriptures must be discussed, which theuniversal Catholic church receives or which it is required to avoid.

Genesisone book
Exodusone book
Leviticusone book
Numbersone book
Deuteronomyone book
Joshuaone book
Judgesone book
Ruthone book
Kingsfour books
Chroniclestwo books
150 Psalmsone book
Three books of Solomon
one book
one book
song of songs
one book
The same of Wisdomone book
one book
Isaiahone book
Jeremiahone book
with Cinoth i.e. his lamentations
Ezechielone book
Danielone book
Hoseaone book
Amosone book
Micahone book
Joelone book
Obadiahone book
Jonahone book
Nahumone book
Habbakukone book
Zephaniahone book
Haggaione book
Zechariahone book
Malachione book

The Gospel Of Bartholomewrejected Scriptures Faith

Jobone book
Tobitone book
Esdrastwo books
Esterone book
Judithone book
Maccabeestwo books
4. LIKEWISE THE ORDER OF THE SCRIPTURES OFTHE NEW TESTAMENT which the holy and catholic Roman church upholdsand is venerated:
Four books of the Gospels
according to Mathew
one book
according to Mark
one book
according to Luke
one book
according to John
one book
Likewise the acts of the apostlesone book
The letters of the apostle Paul in number fourteen
to the Romans
one letter
to the Corinthians
two letters
to the Ephesians
one letter
to the Thesalonians
two letters
to the Galatians
one letter
to the Philippians
one letter
to the Colossians
one letter
to Timothy
two letters
to Titus
one letter
to the Philemon
one letter
to the Hebrews
one letter
Likewise the apocalypse of Johnone book
Likewise the canonical [catholic] letters in number seven
of the apostle Petertwo letters
of the apostle Jamesone letter
of the apostle Johnone letter
of the other John the eldertwo letters
of the apostle Judas the Zealotone letter


III. Likewise it was said:

The manuscripts of the shorter recension beginat this point, with the following heading:


Both versions then continue as follows:

1. After all these [writings of] the prophetsand the evangelical and apostolic scriptures which we discussed above, onwhich the catholic church is founded by the grace of God, we also have thoughtnecessary to say what, although the universal catholic church diffused throughoutthe world is the single bride of Christ, however the holy Roman church is givenfirst place by the rest of the churches without [the need for] a synodicaldecision, but from the voice of the Lord our saviour in the gospel obtainedprimacy: 'Youare Peter,' he said, 'and upon this rock I shall build my church and the gatesof hell shall not prevail against it; and to you I give the keys of the kingdomof heaven, and whatever you shall bind upon Earth shall be bound also inheaven and whatever you release upon Earth shall also be released in heaven'.

2. In addition there is also the presence of the blessedapostle Paul, 'the chosen vessel', who not in opposition, as the heresies jabber,but on the same date and the same day was crowned in glorious death with Peterin the city of Rome suffering under Nero Caesar; and equally they made theabove-mentioned holy Roman church special in Christ the Lord and gave preferencein their presence and veneration-worthy triumph before all other cities in thewhole world.

3. Therefore first is the seat at the Roman church of theapostle Peter 'having no spot or wrinkle or any other [defect]'.

However thesecond place was given in the name of blessed Peter to Mark his disciple andgospel-writer at Alexandria, and who himself wrote down the word of truth directedby Peter the apostle in Egypt and gloriously consummated [his life] inmartyrdom.

Indeed the third place is held at Antioch of the most blessed andhonourable apostle Peter, who lived there before he came toRoma and where first the name of the new race of the Christians washeard.

IV. And although 'no other foundation can be established exceptthat which has been established, Christ Jesus', however for edification likewisethe holy Roman church after the books of the Old and New Testaments which we have enumerated above according to the canon also does not prohibitthe reception of these writings:

1. the holy synod of Nicaea of 318 fathers chaired by theEmperor Constantine the Great,

at which the heretic Arius was condemned; the holy synod of Constantinople chaired by Theodosius the senior Augustus, at which the heretic Macedonius escaped his deserved condemnation;

the holy synod of Ephesus, at which Nestorius was condemned with the consentof the blessed pope Caelestinus chaired by Cyril of Alexandria in themagistrate's seat and by Arcadius the bishopsent from Italy;

the holy synod of Chalcedon chaired by Marcian Augustus and by AnatoliusBishop of Constantinople, at which the Nestorian et Eutychian heresies togetherwith Dioscorus and his sympathisers were condemned.

but also if there are councils hitherto held by the holy fathers of lesser authority than those four, we have decreed [that] they must be both kept and received. Here added below is on the works of the holy fathers, which are received in the catholic church.

Likewise the works of blessed Caecilius Cyprian the martyr and Bishop ofCarthage;
likewise the works of blessed Gregory Nanzanensis the bishop;
likewise the works of blessed Basil Bishop of Cappadocia;
likewise the works of blessed John Bishop of Constantinople;
likewise the works of blessed Theophilus Bishop of Alexandria;
likewise the works of blessed Cyril Bishop of Alexandria;
likewise the works of blessed Bishop Hilary of Poitiers;
likewise the works of blessed Ambrosius Bishop of Milan;
likewise the works of blessed Augustine Bishop of Hippo;
likewise the works of blessed Jerome the priest;
likewise the works of blessed Prosper a most religious man;

3. likewise the letter of blessed pope Leo sent to FlavianBishop of Constantinople, of which text however if any portion is disputedand it is not that anciently received by all, let it be anathema;

likewise the works and every treatise of all the orthodox fathers, whodeviated in nothing from the common [teaching] of the holy Roman church, neitherseparated from its faith or worship but remained in communion by the grace ofGod to the last day of their life, we decree are to be read;

likewise thedecretal/official letters, which blessed popes gave for the consideration ofvarious fathers at various times from the city of Rome, are to be upheldreverently;

4. likewise the deeds of the holy martyrs, who areglorious from the manifold tortures on the rack and their wonderful triumphs ofsteadfastness. Who of the catholics doubts that most of them would be enduringstill in agonies with their full strength but would bear it by the grace of Godand the help of everyone? but according to old custom by the greatest cautionthey are not read in the holy Roman church, because the names of those who wroteare not properly known and separate from unbelievers and idiots or [theaccounts] are thought less attached to the order of events than they should havebeen; for instance the [accounts of] Cyricus and Julitta, like Georgiusand the sufferings of others like these which appear to have been composed byheretics. On account of this, as it was said, so that no pretext forcasual mockery can arise, they are not read in the holy Roman church. However wevenerate together with the aforesaid church all the martyrs and their glorioussufferings, which are well known to God and men, with every devotion;

likewise the lives of the fathers Paul,Antony and Hilarion which with all the hermits described by that blessed man Jerome we receive with honour;

likewisethe acts of blessed Silvester bishop of the apostolic seat, although the name of him who wrote [them] is unknown, [but] we know to be read by manycatholics however in the city of Rome and because of the ancient use of themultitude this is imitated by the church;

Gospel According To Bartholomew

likewise the writings on the finding of the cross and certain other novelwritings on the finding of the head of the blessed John the Baptist are romancesand some of them are read by catholics; but when these come into the hand ofcatholics, the saying of Paul the blessed apostle should be <considered>first: 'prove all things, hold fast to what is good'.

likewise Rufinus, a most religious man, work many books of ecclesiasticalworks, also some interpreting the scriptures; but since the venerable Jeromenoted that he took arbitary liberties in some of them, we think those[acceptable] which we know the aforesaid blessed Jerome thought [acceptable];and not only those of Rufinus, but also [those] of anyone whom that man oftenremembered for his zeal for God and for the religion of faith criticised.

likewise some works of Origen, which the blessed man Jerome does not reject,we receive to be read, but we say that the rest with their author must berefused.

likewise the chronicle of Eusebius of Caesarea and the books of his churchhistory, however much he fell flat in the first book of his narration and[although he also] afterwards wrote one book in praise and to excuse Origen theschismatic, however on account of his narration of remarkable things, which areuseful for instruction, we do not say to anyone that it must be refused.

likewisewe praise Orosius a most erudite man, who wrote a very necessary history for usagainst the calumnies of the pagans and and with marvellous brevity.

Gospel Of Bartholomew Text

likewisethe paschal work of that venerable man Sedulius, which was written in heroicverses [hexameters], we give preference to with manifest praise.

likewise the laborious work ofIuvencus we nevertheless do not spurn but are amazed by.

The Gospel Of Bartholomewrejected Scriptures John Hagee

V. The remaining writings which have been compiled orbeen recognised by heretics or schismatics the Catholic and Apostolic RomanChurch does not in any way receive; of these we have thought it right to citebelow a few which have been handed down and which are to be avoided by catholics:


firstly we confess that the synod of Sirmium calledtogether by Constantius Caesar the son of Constantine through the PrefectTaurus is damned then and now and for ever.
the Itinerary in the name of Peter the apostle, which is called the nine books of the holy Clementapocryphal
the Acts in the name of the apostle Andrewapocryphal
the Acts in the name of the apostle Thomasapocryphal
the Acts in the name of the apostle Peterapocryphal
the Acts in the name of the apostle Philipapocryphal
the Gospel in the name of Mathiasapocryphal
the Gospel in the name of Barnabasapocryphum
the Gospel in the name of James the youngerapocryphum
the Gospel in the name of the apostle Peterapocryphum
the Gospel in the name of Thomas which the Manichaeans useapocryphum
the Gospels in the name of Bartholomewapocrypha
the Gospels in the name of Andrewapocrypha
the Gospels which Lucianus forgedapocrypha
the Gospels which Hesychius forgedapocrypha
the book on the infancy of the saviourapocryphus
the book of the nativity of the saviour and of Mary or the midwifeapocryphus
the book which is called by the name of the Shepherdapocryphus
all the books which Leucius the disciple of the devil madeapocryphi
the book which is called the Foundationapocryphus
the book which is called the Treasureapocryphus
the book of the daughters of Adam Leptogeneseosapocryphus
the cento on Christ put together in Virgilian versesapocryphum
the book which is called the Acts of Thecla and Paulapocryphus
the book which is called Nepos'sapocryphus
the books of Proverbs written by heretics and prefixed with the name of holy Sixtus apocryphus
the Revelation which is called Paul'sapocrypha
the Revelation which is called Thomas'sapocrypha
the Revelation which is called Stephen'sapocrypha
the book which is called the Assumption of holy Maryapocryphus
the book which is called the Repentance of Adamapocryphus
the book about Og the giant of whom the heretics assert that after the deluge he fought with the dragonapocryphus
the book which is called the Testament of Jobapocryphus
the book which is called the Repentance of Origenapocryphus
the book which is called the Repentance of holy Cyprianapocryphus
the book which is called the Repentance of Jamne and Mambreapocryphus
the book which is called the Lots of the apostlesapocryphus
the book which is called the grave-plate (?) of the apostlesapocryphus
the book which is called the canons of the apostlesapocryphus
the book Physiologus written by heretics and prefixed with the name of blessed Ambroseapocryphus
the History of Eusebius Pamphiliiapocrypha
the works of Tertullianapocrypha
the works of Lactantius also known as Firmianusapocrypha
the works of Africanusapocrypha
the works of Postumianus and Gallusapocrypha
the works of Montanus, Priscilla and Maximillaapocrypha
the works of Faustus the Manichaeanapocrypha
the works of Commodianapocrypha
the works of the other Clement, of Alexandriaapocrypha
the works of Thascius Cyprianusapocrypha
the works of Arnobiusapocrypha
the works of Tichoniusapocrypha
the works of Cassian the Gallic priestapocrypha
the works of Victorinus of Pettauapocrypha
the works of Faustus of Riez in Gaulapocrypha
the works of Frumentius Caecusapocrypha
the cento on Christ stitched together from verses of Virgilapocryphum
the Letter from Jesus to Abgarapocrypha
the Letter of Abgar to Jesusapocrypha
the Passion of Cyricus and Julittaapocrypha
the Passion of Georgiusapocrypha
the writing which is called the Interdiction of Solomonapocrypha
all amulets which are compiled not in the name of the angels as they pretend but are written in the names of great demonsapocrypha

These and those similar ones, which Simon Magus, Nicolaus, Cerinthus, Marcion,Basilides, Ebion, Paul of Samosata, Photinus and Bonosus, whosuffered from similar error, also Montanus with his obscene followers,Apollinaris, Valentinus the Manichaean, Faustus the African, Sabellius,Arius, Macedonius, Eunomius, Novatus, Sabbatius, Calistus, Donatus, Eustasius, Jovianus, Pelagius,Julian of Eclanum, Caelestius, Maximian, Priscillian fromSpain, Nestorius of Constantinople, Maximus the Cynic, Lampetius, Dioscorus,Eutyches, Peter and the other Peter, ofwhom one disgraced Alexandria and the other Antioch, Acacius of Constantinople with hisassociates, and what also all disciples ofheresy and of the heretics and schismatics, whose names we have scarcelypreserved, have taught or compiled, we acknowledge is to be not merelyrejected but eliminated from the whole Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church and withtheir authors and the followers of its authors to be damned in the inextricable shackles of anathemaforever.

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